General Information
2015 & 2016 birth years
Note: We try very hard to accommodate these dates, however, final practice schedules do depend on City of Richmond Rink allocations and registration numbers so these could change.
Training Camp Schedule (Optional) (Feb 24 - Mar 13)
Saturdays Feb 24th - Mar TBD 10:45am - 11:45am Steveston Lacrosse Box
Wednesdays Feb 28th - Mar TBD 6:15pm - 7:15pm Steveston Lacrosse Box
Pre-Season Schedule (Mar 14 - Apr 6)
There is no evaluation done for U11 for team assignment. U11s will practice and play in house during this period. We will move to indoor floors as they become available.
Weekly Team Practice 1: Weekday Time TBD
Weekly Team Practice 2: Saturdays Time TBD
Regular Season Schedule (Apr 7 - Jun 29)
Weekly Team Practice 1: Day/Time/Location TBD
Weekly Team Practice 2 (Optional): Day/Time/Location TBD
Weekly Home Games: Thursdays 6:00pm - 7:30pm (Minoru Stadium)
Away Games: Schedule is TBD based on rink allocations and registration in neighbouring associations. We expect to play 16 to 20 games against teams from the Lower Mainland Minor Lacrosse Commission in either the U11A2 or U11B division.
RAMP Team App
Players/parents will be added to selected teams in RAMP prior to the start of the regular season. Confirmed schedules including changes (i.e., weather cancellations) will be communicated via RAMP. Please update your attendance to practices or games a few days prior to the event.